We are now blocking semalt.com

As of now semalt.com is blocked from Redistats and you won't get more hits from them.

Semalt.com is allegedly been using a tactic called referer spamming to make it look like you get visitors from these type of pages:


Redistats want you only to see human visitors and we have now blocked this large scale spam.

If you are operating a website with a large number of subdomains I urge you to also block this bot at the server level in order to save resources.

With .htaccess in Apache:

# block visitors referred from semalt.com
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} semalt.com [NC]
RewriteRule .* - [F]


if ($http_referer ~* (semalt.com))
{ return 403; }
9 Apr 2014

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